riverbero is a non-profit organization that aims to bring high-quality contemporary art in all its forms to the Poschiavo Valley. Such projects are usually only found in urban centers and rarely, if ever, find their way to remote venues like ours. We aim not only to expand our range of local offerings, but also to connect the geographical periphery with Swiss cultural centers and also to connect different regions. A fruitful dialog would allow us to participate in the larger art scene. With that in mind, riverbero also addresses visitors from the Engadine, the Bergell and the Valtellina Valleys and brings them to Poschiavo with the intention of enhancing the cultural cohesion of these neighboring regions.
Paola Gianoli – Kaspar Howald – Federica Esposito
riverbero is a member of the Swiss associations for dance professionals:
Danse Suisse
ig-tanz ost
Isadora.Piattaforma Danza
Support riverbero: IBAN CH09 0077 4010 3486 8440 0 QR IBAN
Donations help us to finance our activities.
You have all our gratitude for any donation!
riverbero is recognized as a public utility by the Canton of Graubünden, contributions are tax deductible.
Premio svizzero delle arti sceniche 2022
Su proposta delle giurie federali del teatro e della danza, l’Ufficio federale della cultura assegna un Premio svizzero delle arti sceniche 2022 a Paola Gianoli per il suo impegno a favore della danza nella Valposchiavo.
“Malgrado la necessità di ingenti risorse tecniche e personali e la difficoltà di trovare finanziamenti, l’impegno di Paola Gianoli a favore della danza nella Valposchiavo è contagioso ed esemplare per la mediazione culturale nelle regioni periferiche della Svizzera.”
Paola Gianoli – Swiss Performing Arts Award 2022
Awards Ceremony Swiss Performing Arts 2022