29th June–6th July 2024
Dance residency / Soraya Emery (Zurich)
30th June, 4pm-6.30pm – dance workshop, Al Crott, Poschiavo
5th July, 6pm – presentation work in progress, Al Crott, Poschiavo
Info workshop e biografia (IT)
Details Flyer
Il Grigione Italiano 16.05.2024

10th-11th Mai 2024
Anton Lachky Company (Belgium)
Dance Festival Steps – Les Autres (The Others) Flyer
Palestre Scuole comunali Poschiavo
Programme (IT)
Gli Altri – Il Bernina online 14.05.2024
Il Grigione Italiano 16.05.2024 (IT)

May 5th, 2024, ore 2pm-6pm
Festa Danzante Poschiavo – Piazza comunale
In collaboration with sConfini
Articolo ilbernina online 07.05.2024
Articolo Il Grigione Italiano 09.05.2024

27 march – 5 april 2024
Dance Residency / Neil Höhener (Arbon)
30th march, 14pm-16.30pm – dance workshop, Al Crott, Poschiavo Info Workshop
4th april, 20.00pm – presentation work in progress, Al Crott, Poschiavo
Details Flyer
Il Grigione Italiano 11.04.2024
Il Grigione italiano online 08.04.2024

16-26 February 2024
Dance-Theatre Residency / Anna Dego and Anna Stante (Italy)
17th February, 2pm-4.30pm – dance workshop, Al Crott, Poschiavo Info Workshop
25th February, 5pm – Il corpo del tempo, public rehearsal, Punto Rosso, Poschiavo
Il corpo del tempo Biografie Flyer
Il Grigione Italiano online Il Grigione Italiano 09.2024
Articolo ilbernina online 29.02.2024
Articolo ilbernina 29.02.2024 pdf

6th-12th January 2024
Dance residency / Myriam Gurini (Engadin)
7th January, 10-12.30 am – Dance Workshop, Al Crott, Poschiavo Info Workshop
11th January, 8pm – Presentation Work in Progress, Al Crott, Poschiavo Flyer
Il Grigione Italiano 03.2024

17th-25th November 2023
Dance residency / Jozsef Trefeli and Leif Firnhaber (Geneva)
19th November, 10-12.30 – Dance Workshop, Al Crott, Poschiavo Info Workshop
24th November, 20.00 – Presentation Work in Progress, Al Crott, Poschiavo Flyer
Articolo Il Grigione italiano 30.11.2023 Vilma Tognini
Galleria fotografica Il Grigione Italiano
Video Il Bernina

4th July 2023 – at 8.30pm
Ghost in the Cell – Concert
Homage to “Coming Together” of Frederic Rzewski (1938-2021)
Bar al Crott, Poschiavo Flyer Texts

March – June 2023
SMArt – Sustainable Mountain Art with the photographer Lara Chahine (Lebanon) Flyer
Photographic residency, exhibition and conferences – Punto Rosso Poschiavo
Report TG RSI 15.04.2023
27th May 2023 at 4pm – Opening of the exhibition 

Exhibition open from 27th May to 18th June – from Tuesday to Sunday, 4-7 pm
31th May 2023 at 8.30pm – Dolci acque – lectures and histories about rivers
9th June 2023 at 8.30pm – Conference with the climatologist Luca Mercalli
Details: Valposchiavo Turismo

13 Mai 2023 – 8.30pm / 14 Mai 2023 – 5pm
Annie Hanauer – A Space For All our Tomorrows
Production LAC Lugano Arte e Cultura and Teatro Danzabile
Palestre scuole comunali, Poschiavo Flyer Program Performance texts (LAC)
Details: Valposchiavo Turismo
Articolo ilbernina 15.05.2023 Serena Bonetti
Articolo ilbernina 16.05.2023 Paolo Tognina

April 29 / Mai 12-14, 2023
Festa danzante Poschiavo – The full program Flyer
Program april 29
Video of the preparations for the May 12 performance
Articolo Grigione Italiano 18.05.2023
Articolo ilbernina 13.05.2023 utenti di “Movimento”
Articolo ilbernina 15.05.2023 esibizioni in piazza

18 March 2023 – 5pm 
Talk-exchange with the ukrainien choreographer and poet
Anton Ovchinnikov
Aula riformata, Poschiavo – Manifesto (EN) Flyer

17th March 2023 – at 8.30pm, Casa Console Poschiavo
Wayne Horvitz and Robin Holcomb
Concert, Solos & Duets Flyer
In collaboration with Casa Console Poschiavo

26 novembre 2022 ore 20.30, Punto Rosso – Poschiavo Flyer
Musica in Ballo – Dorotea Crameri (violino el.) e Milena Crameri (danza)
Reflex – Myriam Gurin (danza) e Dino Costa (musica)
Intermezzo musicale – Astrid Schumacher (corno)
Festa e ballo per tutti – Luigi Bonelli (DJ) e buvette

17 October 2022 – 8.30pm
Alex Levine Trio – Special Adaptions Flyer
Bar al Crott, Poschiavo

June – September 2022
SMArt – Sustainable Mountain Art with photographer Byamba Bathkuyag
Artistic residency, exhibition and conferences Flyer
Details: Valposchiavo Turismo
Press release Il Bernina 16.08.2022 Il Grigione Italiano 18.08.2022
Il Grigione Italiano online 16.08.22, article and photos
A Hidden Sense

May 14 and 15 at 5.00 pm
Festival della danza Steps – RUNthrough Flyer Il Bernina 17.05.2022
with the dance company CocoonDance
Palestre Scuole comunali Poschiavo

April 29 / Mai 13-14 2022
Festa Danzante Poschiavo Flyer
Piazza comunale, Casa Torre e Aula riformata

19 March 2022 at 8.00 pm
UMIAK & TRIUNE HEART – music and dance – Flyer
An evening under the sign of real-time performance
Punto Rosso, Poschiavo

3-4 July 2021 – Cie Tabea Martin (Basel)
Dance Festival Steps
Palestre comunali Poschiavo
Détails: Valposchiavo Turismo
Flyer Steps

IL Grigione Italiano 08.07.21
Il Bernina 05.07.21

22 November 2020 – 4.30pm dance / 5pm concert
Ramsch – Concert, CD release Carabattola
Ziplas – dance performance
Punto Rosso, Vial da la Stazione, Poschiavo
Flyer Ramsch/Ziplas

27 and 28 septembre 2019
Spectacle de danse WALLS, compagnie Linga
Deposito ferrovia retica (Poschiavo)
Flyer Walls

16 novembre 2018  20h30
Alex Levine Quartet, concert jazz
Deposito Ferrovia retica (Poschiavo)
Flyer Alex Levine

28 octobre 2018 11h00
Trophée, dance performance
Praderia (Pagnoncini, Le Prese)
Flyer Trophée

26 and 27 april 2018
Festival de la dance Steps, Take Off! 
The Swiss Bachelors of Dance